WSL makes Jekyll setup procedure more easy
Install/setup WSL
Install WSL if not installed
wsl --install
When WSL is installed need to install Linux distributive (Debian for example)
wsl --install -d Debian
After setup is complete a prompt to create new user appears
Setup Jekyll
Setup ruby & jekyll
sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install ruby-full
sudo gem update --system # in some cases not needed
sudo apt-get install build-essential --no-install-recommends
sudo gem install jekyll bundler
Create and run new website with Jekyll
Use directory on local machine could be used. For example:
Root directory: D:/website
Site directory: mynewblog
Bash commands will be next:
# Notice: /mnt/d/ maps to local D:\ drive.
# From there, you have access to all files.
cd /mnt/d/website
jekyll new mynewblog && cd mynewblog
# install missing gems
sudo bundle install
#Run website
bundle exec jekyll serve